Monday, February 5, 2007


Aaagh - the "C" word, "control" that is such a crucial word when it comes to our happiness. I battle w/that word & know that I'm certaintly not the only one. The thing is, w/understanding how life works etc., you become more aware that there are two types of things in life - the things you can't control & the things you can. The things that you can all have to do w/yourself - the things you can't are all outside yourself. When you spend all your time, energy & focus on the things outside you are left feeling tired, confused, empty, lonely & unhappy...all the opposites of the feelings that you feel when you are focused & put your energy into yourself & the things you can control. Why do people suffer from depression, do self-destructive things & lead unhappy, unfulfilling or pointless lives?? Because they are focused on the things that they have no control over...hmmm, what a great idea & concept, yet so hard to implement b/c we have been conditioned otherwise...yikes!!!! lol

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